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I need help !
Somehow I need to put on paper how I feel.
I'd like some volentares to share there stories with me. I am going to
trial to get SS benifits and I wanted to prove to my lawyer with the help
of others that this does exist.
I have more of a bone disability, the doctor tested me 1 1/2 years ago for
arthritis , the test came back neg. but the symtoms just kept getting worse
until I finally couldnt go to work anymore. SO I tought if I could show my
lawyer some real life stories she might give my case a better fight.
She believes me 100%, I just want her to see further than me and beable to
picture what I'm going through and many others with this disease.
Your story of your personal experiance can remain annonamous(?) if you'd
Lynda in CT