I would like you all to consider the calibre of the membership of this
list, and where we want it to go.

While it is not our purpose to advocate any one position, or to demand
absolutely rigid standards of behavior, I have noticed lately that some
messages have made sweeping generalizations without references, made claims
about unreproducible anecdotal data (or data no one's as yet had the
discipline to describe to make it reproducible), tried to find
justifications for obscure dietary regimens with little underlying them but
vague theories, and generalized about that which shouldn't be.

A small amount of this is fine.  But a good thing in small doses isn't
always a good thing in large doses.

I would encourage everyone, before submitting to this list, to realize that
a large number of our membership are distinguished scientists with multiple
peer-reviewed papers to their credit.  Do we want to use this forum as an
overblown bull session?  Or do we want a genuine forum which seeks to
expand real knowledge and cross-fertilize between important disciplines?

No individual should feel this message is addressed to him.  It is just
something I would like us all to keep in mind.