It was right around the time I was switching from Atkins to Neanderthin.  I
noticed that my glasses were bugging me and that I could see about as well
without as with.  So I went to an eye doctor who breathlessly told me that
I'd improved 30% on the left and 60% on the right.  Turns out that it
probably has to do with removing sugar from the diet.  Apparently sugar (I
don't know which type) binds to certain proteins which are found in the eye
making it less flexible than it needs to be to focus properly.  In fact,
I'd bet I could go back for another adjustment, but frankly, I can't afford
anymore glasses!

John Pavao

(Now tell me about that evolving humans project that was in your sig.  Send
to [log in to unmask] if it's not of interest to the group...)

Your eyesight improved after switching to the Neanderthin diet?  Could you
tell us a little more?

Mark Lindsay

At 01:17 PM 9/3/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I'm not surprised.  But what I'm wondering is if anyone knows if these
>things reverse themselves once they are no longer under the onslaught of
>refined sugar.  I don't imagine anyone's done such a study yet.  I just
>figured if my eyesight improved as much as it did, maybe my teeth are
>getting better too...
>John Pavao