
This book and Nancy Appleton's "Lick the Sugar Habit" both state that sugar
damages the immune system, but I don't have them in front of me and
wouldn't want to do them the disservice of trying to send any of it from
memory.  They're both "must read" books.  In fact, my wife's reading Sugar
Blues now, and I am going to re-read it when she's done.  These are both
paperbacks and fairly easily available in larger bookstores.

Take care,
John Pavao

Now my question is for the people that have read Duffy's _Sugar Blues_ or
another of the books pointing out problems with sugar. Is there any
evidence that sugar also harms the immune system? Do these books only blame
refined sugar, or do they also indict honey and maple syrup?

Any other foods also depress the immune system?


P.S. Please selectively quote when replying.