But wait!  There are carbs and there are carbs.  Not that I think Raisin
Bran is a fantastic food, but nutritionally it has to be far superior to
Captain Crunch.  Captain Crunch is nothing but refined crap and sugar.
 Yes, Raisin Bran is probably refined, but is it to the same degree as
Captain Crunch?  Although, do I remember that the raisins are
sugar-encrusted?  I don't know, I haven't had that stuff in probably ten

How about some uncured no-sugar bacon (or sausage with no sugar added) and
farm eggs?  I know as a kid, despite my sugar addiction, I would always
take bacon and eggs over cereal.

John Pavao

Check the carb level on the raisin bran compared to captain crunch.  From
the top of my head, it goes like this:

                  carbs        sugar carbs    fiber carbs

Captain Crunch     20               8             2

Raisin bran        40              25             6