Mostly I just eliminate instead of substitute. I don't bother with the
cheeses, except occasional goat's cheese. I use rice milk, but am concerned
that I will eventually start reacting to that also. At least my reaction to
soy and corn are mild (nasal congestion and sleepiness). I've been told that
the best thing for allergic people to do to avoid developing further
allergies is  to alternate, for instance to have rice only every third day,
and to have wheat only every three days, and so forth. This would take a lot
of planning and discipline, but I try not to have the same things every day.

All of this takes cooking from scratch a lot. I just keep it simple with
plain meats with seasonings and frozen mixed veggies. For the sides I'm happy
with pasta with olive oil, or brown rice with green peppers and onion cooked
in, and so forth. For salad dressing, I'm happy with olive oil and rice or
balsalmic vinegar and salt & pepper.

Feeling good is worth it. When I'm at a restaurant watching someone else eat
something covered in cheese, I tell myself I'd rather feel good than eat what
they are eating.

Also, a reminder from Jenny Craig: "This is a people event with food present,
not a food event with people present."  I try to concentrate on what I have
and not on what I can't have.

In a message dated 97-09-05 14:17:18 EDT, you write:

 I keep seeing that many other people are allergic to soy and milk
 products, just like me.  I have a hard time with this as often the
 substitutes for milk are soy, or they have corn or yeast in them, both
 of which I am also allergic.  Any ideas, both for nutrition and
 enjoyment!  Deb