You weren't far off.  IBS is Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  My son is now 10 and
has had episodic diarrhea since he was little.  At first I thought it was
apple juice that was the problem but then he started having it when there was
no apple juice around.  For along period of time I couldn't really connect it
to anything. Now I can specifically see that anything orange is a problem.
 IBS can also be triggered by nerves.  It's been about a year since we
discovered his milk allergy and the diarrhea doesn't happen nearly as much as
it used to.  When I took him to a gastroentronolist to find out about the
diarrhea he that it might be Lactose Intolerance or  IBS.  He never expected
that Daniel's behavior would change and really didn't want to even touch the
subject.  He said that he probably had IBS and that was it.  I was to  talk
to my Pediatrician about the rest.  Since then I've kept him off milk and
tried to stay away from anything orange but I want to know what the real
problem is and if I can do anything else about it.  I don't wan to put him
through a test like was described but I don't know what else to do.

Heidi L.