Forwarded message:
Subj:    Allergy Testing
Date:    97-09-24 19:00:31 EDT
From:    RALXTRM
To:      NO-MILK @maelstrom.st.johns.edu

I finally decided to take my son to an allergist and get him tested to find
out "exactly" what part of milk  that he is allergic to.  Many of you on the
list probably know what the results were because you've heard this
yourselves.  He's not allergic to anything according to this doctor.  I asked
her how she explained the reaction that occurs when he drinks milk (IBS and
behavioral changes) and she had no answers other than," if that's what
happens then don't feed him milk, but he is not allergic".  Boy was I mad.
The tests that were done were the skin prick tests.  I know that I should
have known better because of all that I read on the list but that's the tests
that they did and I couldn't remember what the other tests were.  If someone
could remind me of the best tests to have done I'd appreciate it.
 I got a recommendation for a dr. that tests using the methods that Dr. Doris
Rapp does ( provocation/ neutralization) and I plan to give them a call.
  The dr. that we went to said that this method is not scientific but Dr.
Rapp sure is helping alot of people and at this point I'm not sure if I'm
worried about how scientific things are.
I watch my son react to milk and I didn't have to be a scientist to figure
that out.
If anyone is familar with this method of testing, I'd like to hear about it.

One more thing that I was thinking about is the fact that my son has diarrhea
every time he eats or drinks anything orange.  I thought I remembered some
talk about citrus and milk allergies running together.  Or could this just be
a digestive thing.
Any help would be great.

Thanks,  Heidi L.