<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My 4-yr old son's health is not what it should be.  Recurring diarrhea,
frequent stomach complaints, sores in his mouth, chipped and slightly
ridged teeth, frequent pain in his legs at night, frequent ear infections
during the fall/winter months, congestion all year round.  He's off dairy,
as that definitely makes him ill.  We've had him tested for cd through
bloodwork and the results came back negative.  Any reflections on the
accuracy of those tests?  Can I definitely put celiac out of my mind for
him and go onto other investigations?  Any reflections on other possible
causes?  Could someone be sensitive to wheat /gluten but not celiac and,
if so, is there any way to determine this?  I suspect and have been told
by his naturopath that wheat is a problem for him, but it is difficult to
get others to take his dietary restrictions seriously when there's no
medical evidence in the form of test results, etc. to back it up.


Noemie Vassilakis