<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Most who responded to my post, suggested I get tough.  Educate them.  Show
them what happens when he has gluten.  Talk about it, a lot.  Some were angry
at me for "abusing my child via neglect."

To the angry I have to point out that by making all my baby food for both
kids I was very not neglectful.  I knew right away that both reacted to wheat
and oats because they were not eating things with additives, etc.  At the
health food store as I was looking for good foods for them, the owner told me
about CD.  I began researching it.  We are not diagnosed.  Medical care is
slight here in Montana.  By asking the list, I showed concern.  So....

Okay,  I have become verbal.  I told grandma by phone he was off the wheat,
(not saying gluten) and he stopped having diarheah.  I began showing the
gluten free diapers to his dad, very vocally.  We had two slips and I made a
big deal of the big messy diaper that arrived within hours.  I will continue
along these lines as long as it takes.  My daughter is 13 and isn't
complaining any more but still has occasional symptoms.  I am educating her
and she will at least cut down on gluten because there is hardly any in the

Thank you all for your help...even those who were mad...you helped me dig in
my heals.  My only symptom is long time not treatable anemia.

