<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I had three responses to my posting on Charcoal Briguettes possibly
containing wheat starch.

First, was a thank you for saving someone the grief of getting sick again
from using them.

Second, was from Rosalie <[log in to unmask]> who contacted Kingsford
Charcoal in 1995 and discovered that their briquettes contained wheat to bind
the charcoal together.  Her husband was getting very ill every time they used
the briquettes.

Third was a recommendation for using mesquite charcoal instead.  "I have had
great success with the high heat and taste of the food cooked over or smoked
by 100% mesquite charcoal (not the type with mesquite mixed in -- you can
tell the difference easily:  the 100% mesquite charcoal looks like burnt
pieces of wood and not like a uniform briquette).  Mesquite is a bit harder
to light and takes a bit longer to get to cooking temperature.  It also costs
more."  Chuck Emerson <[log in to unmask]>

Thanks all.

"To be nobody but myself in a world which is doing its best night and day to
make me everybody else, is to fight the hardest battle which any human being
can fight and never stop fighting."  e e cummings