Lee Thompson-Herbert wrote:>
> Vegan Rella tastes pretty...vile.  I dropped some on the floor and
> the cats ran for it (they like the other soy cheeses).  Big cat got
> there first and sniffed the piece...then gave me this look that said
> "You were eating _that_?  That's not food!"

Dear Lee,
Just had to write to thank you for this great visual. I laughed out loud
for a couple of minutes.

In our newly established dairy free household (already gf for about 6
months), poor old kitty is at a complete loss.  With my attempts at
Asian cuisine, she no longer has any interest in any possible morsels
from the dinner table, as in "What makes you think that perfectly good
chicken needs a black bean sauce?"

Thanks Lee--I needed the laugh. 8~)

Phee in Sacramento