Yes.  I remember it's Nancy Something, Phd, but I seem to have a mental
block on that last name.  I went home and looked at it last night and still
can't remember.  But I think you're right.

What's really of interest to this group about that book is that immune
system aspect of food allergy.  In Neanderthin, the authors assert that
"alien" foods cause allergic responses, but being laymen, they don't get
into the technical side of it (which is fine, because it would otherwise be
a horrifically boring book and would take too long to read).  Because LTSH
is specifically about this topic, it's almost a companion book.  On the
other hand, I'm only half way through the book and I'm getting the idea
that this woman is probably a vegetarian.  But it's still worth reading,
especially if you've ever had any of the symptoms she describes (which I
imagine most of us probably have).

Take care,
John Pavao

John C. Pavao wrote:
> Read "Sugar Blues" by William Dufty if you get a chance.  Also check out
> "Lick the Sugar Habit" which I believe is by Nancy Patterson (I might
> the name wrong, but I know the title is right).  You'll never consider
> eating refined sugar again.

Does Nancy Appleton sound right? (It's around here *somewhere*)
