Get deep sea fish.  Stuff like tuna, salmon, swordfish.

You can't avoid contaminants altogether, unfortunately.  At this point, all
there is to do is try your best.

As for carbohydrates, why?  Eat green vegetables, the occasional piece of
fruit, and otherwise don't worry about it.  Carbohydrates are not necessary
in the way we've been brainwashed to think by the FDA and the huge
food-producing corporations.  It just so happens that they are cheap and
easy to produce and have high profit margins, so they want you to think you
need them.

Take care,
John Pavao

>I'm so confused! Like: fish is healther than red meat, but
>from the ocean can be full of heavy metals and pollutants! Fish farm? Then
>there's dioxin and lord knows what else! So what do I do for protein?
>Hunt??? And what do you do for a main source of carbohydrates?