No, nitrates have nothing whatsoever to do with weight loss as far as I can
determine.  The whole idea behind Neanderthin is health, not so much weight
loss.  The diet is about trying to mimic the diet of prehistoric peoples as
closely as is possible in our modern age.  Nitrates are converted in the
intestine to something which is a carcinogen, although at this moment I
cannot remember the name of it.

I can't tell you if the sugar in the bacon will stop your weight loss.  I
personally try to avoid all sugar.  It is anti-nutritive (your body has to
deplete its' own resources in order to process it), damaging to the
endocrine system, and possibly even poisonous, contributing to the
weakening of the immune system and opening up the body for such niceties as
heart disease and cancer.

Read "Sugar Blues" by William Dufty if you get a chance.  Also check out
"Lick the Sugar Habit" which I believe is by Nancy Patterson (I might have
the name wrong, but I know the title is right).  You'll never consider
eating refined sugar again.

Take care,
John Pavao

> Try to find a health food market.  That's probably the only place you'll
> find uncured bacon.  When I was in Plano, TX, last week they had a Whole
> Foods Market.  It was a great place to find foods.  But even there, the
> almighty sugar is tough to avoid.

So, in order for me to lose weight on Neanderthin, I have to cut all
nitrates.  Correct?

This bacon says it has sugar, and then it says it has no carbs per
serving.  So it must be a tiny amount of sugar.

If I eat the tiny spec of sugar in this bacon, I will not lose weight on
Neanderthin.  Correct?