You wrote:
>>Humans are the only mammal that drinks milk after the age of weaning
>>drinks the milk of another species.  This is not something nature
>>Hence, autoimmune diseases, diabetes,, etc...
>Sorry, I forgot to save who it was that actually wrote this.  In
>it's not a bad argument, and cows milk causes me quite a
>few problems as it does the other people on this list.  I dislike this
>statement.  Has anyone ever had a cat?  Cats love cows milk.

I have had various cats all my life.  The ones who would drink cows
mild always got diarrhea if they drank it, so we stopped giving it to
them.  In nature, without human intervention (such as we milk the cow
and put milk in a bowl) how would a cat get cows milk?

Anyway, this is not really the basis for a logical discussion to say
that if an animal would eat/drink something, it would be natural and
healthy for them.  Ask dog owners if their dog would eat chocolate if
given to them.  Some I have known would say "Yes", however, ask any vet
if chocolate is good for a dog.

  So it's not
>all that weird that humans who aren't allergic/lactose intolerant
>like it too.

Many things that are bad for our overall health are "addictive" for
various reasons.  Psychological comforting with foods, and many things
we crave have a neurochemical/ neurological payoff when we eat them,
which sets us up for a cycle of addiction or binging on things that are
not good for our health.  Read Dr Doris Rapp's book "Is This Your
Child" and you will see this M.D. says we often crave the problem food.

Also, sometimes we may just like something and it's not bad for us!  We
are lucky if this happens - enjoy !

  I'm thinking it's fairly difficult to know if milk is
>actually the cause of diseases.

Agreed.  We have to make an educated guess sometimes, and do the best
we can.
