On Sun, 17 Aug 1997 00:03:14 -0500 Kathy Wentz <[log in to unmask]>

>Actually, this is pretty common!  Many women (especially) have cyclical
>allergic reactions and/or much worse or better allergic symptoms during

My allegies (inhaled) went completely haywire while I was pregnant.  My
asthma, as a result was worse than it has ever been.  I was told there
was about equal chances of allergies getting better, worse, or staying
the same during pregnancy.  Mine cleared right up after delivery too.

On this same note, I'm normally slightly lactose intolerant.  Just a
queasy tummy sometimes if I have fresh dairy products including the
better brands of ice cream.  While I was pregnant, I drank quite a bit of
Ovaltine with milk and didn't have much problem at all.  I also ate lots
of ice cream justifying it as a good source of calcuim therefore the
calories didn't count :-)  I had lots more milk and other dairy than I
normally do and had less trouble with it.
