<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Sorry it's been so long folks but here is my summary on the CD-
Cartilege degeneration link I enquired about.

There were many replies who outlined the arthritis connection which
seems to be a definite link - at the time I am only 27 though so
hopefully arthritis won't be a factor for too long.

Many of you wondered wether I followed a muscle strengthening program
which I have been for some time. I lifted weights and built all major
muscle groups for some time and my legs were very strong at the time my
cartilege problems started. I always warmed up and cooled down but
probably not as much as I should have. It would be quite easy to blame
this on my injuries but I don't feel that is a factor here , mainly
because of the fact that since my second operation in December 95 I have
done very little sport and now both cartileges are torn in my other

Several people had heard of links between ingesting gluten when you are
a coeliac which leads to cartilege degeneraton which I feel really could
be a factor here. When I have had my surgery I shall ask for some of the
supplements suggested to me to see if they help me out.

Thank-you all for your input _ I now have to wait 9 months for my
operation !!!!

Paul Rodgers