<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you to all the wonderful people who took the time to answer my initial
request for advice.  I had over 40 responses and i am sorry i did not have
the time to answer all personally.

This has been a long time in coming, but following is a summary of
information i requested about a month ago:

1)Re: requesting a blood test before going GF
Most people suggested finding an experienced doctor and seeking a definitive
diagnosis before commencing a gf diet.
Some said decide for yourself, but decide before going GF
Others said that although they had not been officially diagnosed the fact
that they felt better on a gf diet is enough.

I decided to go gf without the tests.  I have little faith in the medical
profession and the idea of having one test after another after another did
not appeal.  Nor did i like the idea of "shopping around" for a G.P.and lab
to do the test.  At the moment, i think that the most important thing is how
i feel.  I have been gf for one month now (except for one unintentional slip
up (that i know of) and one intentional blow out).  I am amazed at how much
better i am feeling and how much better my digestive system is working.

2)Why did gluten intolerance hit me now in my twenties?
Many people wrote of the age at which they first noticed symptoms of CD.
Many were diagnosed much later in life.
I believe that stress played an important part in triggering symptoms for
me, as many people who wrote also found.

3)  Of course there is life without gluten!  After the initial shock, i have
found it quite exciting to explore my options (and my supermarkets and
health food stores).  Lots of people wrote with ideas about gf cookbooks and
links to web pages.

Finally,  I want to say how incredibly moved i was by the support and
empathy i have found in this group.  I have learned so much from "lurking"
and i really believe that the support has helped me to maintain the gf diet.

Thank you!

in Brisbane, Australia