LOL, Diane!  That's the truth! :-D

My personal experience is that I was mis-diagnosed with Hypothyroid and given
the wrong thyroid hormone (Proloid - similar to Armour).  It screwed up my
T-levels even more, so after a few years my doctor finally took a microsomal
antibody titer and it was 1-6800...and I was a pretty sick puppy.  I was
correctly re-diagnosed as having Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, and put on
Synthroid, and later changed to Levothroid (Synthroid has a base that has a
derivative of the acacia tree in it, and I'm allergic to acacia, but
otherwise, it's basically the same, I think).  I've been on .2 mg of
Levothroid since 1985.

I get tired of new-agey type chiro's, etc. who insist that they can turn
around and cure the Hashi's with this or that treatment or supplement, when
it's just a shriveled up thing by now (which my endo has confirmed).  I still
get checked about every 6 months to keep tabs on my blood levels and to make
sure no nodules have formed.

Don't know if this helps....?


On Wednesday, July 09, 1997 3:39 AM, Thyroid on behalf of Diane Fisher wrote:
> Once Hashimoto's has destroyed the thyroid, you can't be more hypo!
> Diane Fisher
> On Wed, 9 Jul 1997, Laura Dolson wrote:
> > > i was recently diagnosed with Hash. The doctor did not explain anything
> > > than the fact that i will be taking medicine for the rest of my life and
> > > be going in the lab for blood work ever two months for the first
> > > year?!.....can anyone help me understand what this is and what to expect
> > > it?!?!?
> >
> > I also have a question which I haven't seen the answer to regarding
> > Hash - I don't know what caused my hypothyroidism  - if it is Hash,
> > does that make a difference as far as treatment/symptoms/prognosis?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Laura Dolson
> >