<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello everyone:

A friend just had a certain kind of yogurt, and one of the
ingredients is whey protein concentrate, she informed me that whey  is
wheat?  Can anyone confirm this?  I don't think I have come across
this in my label checking before eating anything GF, or maybe I have
and thought it was okay?

While I am writing, I must mention to anyone in my area, that the
grocery store close to me (Sobey's) is now carrying a lot of gluten
free products, much to my delight.  They now carry a few different
kinds of Gluten free pastas, potato starch, and I noticed last week,
rice flour!  The only problem is, they have the rice flour in the
bulk bins, and much to my chagrin, the bin is directly below the
whole wheat flour bin, AND right next to the "High Protein Gluten
Flour"!!!!  I am going to write them, and thank them for there GF
products but mention the danger of cross contamination.  Also their
rice flour was 79 cents a Kg., while the rice flour I get at the
health food store  is $2.09/kg.!!  The health food store (which is
out of my way to get to, and I don't have a car)  also had
gluten free bread, a very small loaf for a mere $5.99!  Needless to
say I didn't buy it.

I feel the health food stores are taking
advantage of the fact that a lot of people have to buy this stuff and
that's the only place to get it.  Society has it backwords, it should
be less expensive to eat healthy, but unfortuneatly, I don't think
that will ever happen.  It's great to have health education and
convince people eating the right foods will make them healthier but
people with families must find it taxing to try and feed their
families the right foods.  Even junk food is getting very expensive.
I think food in Canada is more expensive then in the States, I know
it is cheaper on the west coast of Canada than on the east coast,
where it is getting more expensive and more taxed.

Jane C.
Halifax, Nova Scotia