In a message dated 97-07-03 03:07:38 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Todd
Moody) writes:

<< The cholesterol jump has
 been so massive that I cannot think what to attribute it to.  The
 obvious candidates are saturated fat/arachidonic acid, I guess,
 but then it's quite mysterious why others would do so well with
 this way of eating.

Sorry about your cholesterol.  The mystery is intriguing and leads me to
wonder what the differences are between your original pre-zone diet and
Paleothin.  Surely the answer must be there.

"Protein Power" by Eades describes a patient (p.88) who lost weight and
lowered cholesterol on their low-carb program but stubbornly maintained high
blood pressure.  They had him substitute fish and chicken for steak and
mostly egg whites for whole eggs and his hypertension normalized.  Eades
blamed dietary AA for producing bad eicosanoids.

Your experience tempts me to have blood tests done now (in my 2nd month in
the Zone) so I can compare with later results.  Alas, I'm presently without
health insurance & I suspect these tests must be not inexpensive.
