<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Warning, this message is full of opinion and passion:  I find it odd that
people don't seem to see the connection between Celiac Disease and
many illnesses which seem to be stumping doctors and researchers.
People that specialize in FMS (Fibromyalgia) and CFS (Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome) seem not to be aware of the similarities--floating stool, pains,
exhaustion, bowel problems, menstrual problems, the list is endless.
Even RLS and PLMD (Restless Leg Syndrome and Period Limb Movement
Disorder) may be caused by gluten ingestion in Celiacs.  But try and tell a
neurologist that.  I was diagnosed with FMS, PMS, and RLS/PLMD, but all
of my symptoms are disappearing on a gluten free diet along with
heartburn, asthma, hayfever, and post nasal drip just to name a few.
Thousands of people with FMS and CFS could be helped, even women
with severe PMS should be screened for Celiac Disease--especially if
they think they have lactose intolerance.   My PMS specialist told me that
it was common for women with PMS to have lactose intolerance.  I
wonder how many of these women could be cured by going on a gluten
free diet?  Celiac disease is at epidemic preportions.  It is passed onto
generation to generation, often a parent giving it to more than one child.
We need to do something to get press.  I also am terribly upset about the
immorality of companies making medicines like Tagament and Pecid AC,
and Simethicone heartburn products which all contain gluten.  If a person
is Celiac the gluten would continue to kill off the good enzymes in the
disgestive system.  Such products caused my stomach to burn even
more after ingesting them.  I used to take more and more of that
heartburn stuff, wondering why it wasn't working, and assuming it was
good for me--it had to be, right?  Just two weeks ago a Doctor tried to
push Tagament on me when I told her I was trying to find hidden sources
of gluten.  They wanted to take care of the symptom instead of the
cause.  I would guess that most heartburn is related to celiac disease
and these companies are making a fortune out of it.  It is worse than the
tobacco companies lacing cigarettes with high doses of nicotine!!!!
Something should be done.  Thousands of people are at high risk for
intestinal cancers, such as intestinal lymphomas and don't even know it.
Some are losing their hair and doctors say that there is nothing they
could do.  It never occurs to them that such hair loss could be due to a
digestive disease.  They seem unable to put two and two together.
Bowel trouble, hairloss, exhaustion, depression, irritability, PMS,
numbness in the hands and feet.  Someone with credentials should talk
to Dateline or 20/20 or Primetime Live.  They would eat up such a
scandal.  And we might an obtain opportunity to reach millions of
Americans who are suffering in silence.