<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I have seen information about IgA and IgG readings on this list, but do not
recall having seen anything about IgE.  In trying to reorganize my rather
copius Celiac files this week, I ran across a test result from a Dr. Kroker
in LaCrosse, WI, which states that his lab "found an elevated IgE antibody
titer to gluten of 180% over normal." Can anybody tell me in lay language
what that really indicates and how it would or would not relate to IgA,
IgG, or celiac disease vs gluten sensitivity (allergy)?

Imagine being a doctor with a name like Kroker!  He's a well known and very
respected allergist, who studied with Dr. Theron Randolph in Chicago, and
he helped me with many allergies to rather difficult things like car fumes,
carpet outgas fumes, and the smells from cleaning fluids. But I never fully
understood what he was saying about gluten.

Thanks in advance.  Gayle K.