harry, i think you must have reviewed something entirely different...try

the fact that you call them lets schemes is a dead giveaway.

when a person or a business takes out an account in a letsystem, they have
effectively joined a trading network where interaction is by mutual

when i buy a product or service from someone/business in the network, i
have issued my own money by way of a promise to pay others in the
network...no one can tell me what, when, or how to trade...no one.

the community i have joined may decide that the product i am selling (eg
guns) is not acceptable and close my account...in which case i have to go
looking for a like minded letsystem or start my own.

>I have reviewed the LETS schemes. As much as I admire the initiative, I
>also feel that unless other reforms are implemented, it will sacrifice an
>individual's liberty and freedom in favour of the "community".
>Basically, the system gives every community who chooses to adopt their
>own currency, the financial status of "nation state".

certainly not nation state status, only a common currency within a mutually
agreed upon community which can be a city neighbourhood, a church
congregation, a women's network, a youth sports league.

you choose the networks/communities you want to trade in.

>Thus who ever controls the financing
>of the community currency can control the nature of "outside" business in
>the community.

what financing are you referring to?

>Thus an individual seeking to by "outside" products may
>find it impossible, because outside suppliers refuse to pay the "taxes".

what taxes?

since the community currency is an adjunct to conventional money, most
transactions will be a mix of community and converntional currency.

all products and services outside the letsystem would be purchased as they
are now, with conventional currency.

>Also because the currency CAN NEVER leave the community, this puts
>effective limitations on transactions between individuals  inside
>and outside the community.

yes, that is the point...conventional money sucks and corrupts...community
currency stays within the community it serves, moving around and around and
around, ad infinitum.

the limitations inside the community are the usual ones of time, resources,
inclination, skills, knowledge, etc....but notice, there is no shortage of

the limitations outside the letsystem are the availability of conventional
money...i you ain't got the dough, you can't play the game.

ernie yacub

community currencies...abundant, interest free money that always comes home.