Hello to everybody on the list,

This is my first appearance on the list, and h

I am a 15 year-old student studying for my GCSE exams at
New College, in Worcester, England. I Am very interested in
computer programming, and computing and accesibility for the
blind in general. wHen I heard about the VICUG-L mailing list
I thought it was a great idea and decided to subscribe.

At school we are able to send E-mail across the net, but can
not browse it, and therefore I access the net by E-mail web or
ftp searches.

tHe question I wanted to ask, is: does anyone know of any
good ways of converting HTML text into ASCII text?

If you know of any such utility I would be greatful if you could
send a message to the list, or send me a private E-mail at:

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