I found this on another list -- the ADVOCACY list and soon after someone
else replied that it's widespread in California, too?  Is it happening in
your municipality?

--- Forwarded


Date:    Thu, 12 Jun 1997 06:54:02 -0400
Subject: Florida Municipalities War on Disabled

Tampa TV UPN 44 News on June 11 reports that Heartline Buses that provide
public transportation received only half of their required funding from the
Fed this year and that will result in a 15% reduction in services. Guess
what! Most of that reduction will come from disabled services. This is
becoming a trend with Florida Municipalities. They want to fund a new
project and face opposition on raising taxes so they go to disabled services
like a savings account. As more municipalities see others getting away with
it, they follow suit.

Between apathy and ADA backlash there has been a reduction of opportunity,
services and support in the last 7 years with the most loss occurring in the
last 4 years. Over half of the support groups have vanished. Why has the
disability community fallen to sleep? Will it wake up in time? We may wake
up to find that the only service we have left is Physician Assisted Suicide.



Patricia Ann Bromberger                 - [log in to unmask]
"Every child smiles in the same language."       -- anonymous