I heartily second this idea!  I looked and looked and looked for exactly this
kind of page when I started looking in to Neanderthin.

I'd be happy to pitch in, write up the process description, and/or code and
format the HTML files for this after the photos are scanned in.  I'll also
donate some of my ftp space for the page as well.  :)


Xenu's sister wrote:
>>>>>>Hey, why don't you (or Ray, or someone) take some
color photos of the various stages of Pemmican making,
scan them in and put them up on a web page?

I have a 32 bit color scanner, so if scanning is a problem,
send the photos to me and I'll do it.

I think a lot of people have never even *heard* of
Pemmican before starting Neanderthin, let alone
know what it looks like or is supposed to taste
like. Pictures would definitely help. I would love to
put together a step-by-step file on how to make
it which would include the photos.

All kinds of information could be included, such as
the simple fact that "suet" is something quite different
from your average "beef fat". I had no idea! I'd never
heard of "pemmican," "suet" or "render" until I read Ray's
book. (So ok, I'm new at this cooking business)<<<<<<<