One of the first things I noticed after switching from a synthetic T4/T3
combo to Armour Thyroid extract was the warmth.  Not too much warmth (at
least to me) but rather a feeling that my body was at the right temperature
for the first time in years.  I can now wear sandals without my feet feeling
like they are going to freeze (even in the summer they felt that way before),
and my hands are no longer cold all the time.  The warmth is a great benefit
of the Armour, but for me the most significant improvement was that all of my
FMS pain subsided within 24 hours of my first dose of Armour.  Also, I have
not had a single migraine since beginning the Armour.  I still have severe
bouts of fatigue, but it seems that is more related to my low blood pressure
than anything else right now.  I am hoping my doc will up my dose of Armour
when I get back from vacation.  I will also be starting on Florinef then, to
help with my low blood pressure and likely vasopressin deficiency.
Although I am not quite back to normal yet, I am doing well enough to take a
much needed vacation and I will be leaving tomorrow to join five other
friends for 10 days in Italy. If I had not switched to Armour, I would not be
taking this trip.  I figure if I am going to have a bout of fatigue, I would
just as soon be someplace wonderful like Italy!  I will look forward to
hearing about everyone's trials and successes when I return on May 17.