<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The following information may be helpful to those of you who are
concerned with gluten-free communion hosts.  My priest, Fr. Anthony
Greco took it upon himself to search for communion hosts that were
gluten-free and found that he could order them from the following
business:  St Jude Shop, inc., 21 Brookline Blvd., Havertown,PA 19083.
(Phone 215-789-1300)  When he asked about the source of the wafers, he
was told that it was in England but St. Jude's would not disclose the
name of the English source.  Fr. Greco ordered 250 hosts--the smallest
number that were available--and they arrived in about two weeks.  He
gave these to me to store in the freezer.  Each week, I am to take one
of the hosts to church in a Pix(sp?)--a small pillbox-like
container--and place the opened pix on the alter before mass.  The host
is consecrated during the mass and when I arrive at the alter, Father
gives me my host.  I tried it yesterday with no apparent reaction!