<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Over the past year, every time I have a bowel movement, I have extreme
difficulty breathing (I am asthmatic).  As soon as I have passed the
stool, the symptoms subside (typical IBS).  I am alergic to wheat (eating
white bread products triggers breathing difficulty).  This is the same
type of breathing difficulty I have immediately prior and during a bowel
movement (anytime of day).  All the antibody tests are normal except
Riticulin, which is 1:160 Titer vs 1:40.  I have a history of IBS.  I also
have had systemic candidious due to extensive antibiotic and steriod
treatments for asthma.  Since I stopped eating gluten (3 weeks), I no
longer have to go to the emergency room for treatment (which required
cortisone shots).  However the symptoms are  still "very" uncomfortable.
My doctors (family, GI, pulminary) have no idea.  I have most of the
symptoms of Celiac disease (my diagnosis).  I would appreciate all help.

3 John 2, David
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