Hi -

Generally, it's not hard to get fat into a child, even without milk.  Red
meats, hot dogs (go for the kosher kinds as they have no dairy in the
filler), chicken cooked with the skin on, tofutti, Rice Dream "ice-cream",
baked goods maked with dairy-free margerine ... all of these have plenty
of fat in them.  My 20 month old, who doesn't tolerate lactose well, eats
all of these other things and is thriving.

The more important nutrient to make up, we've discovered, is protein.  Our
son absolutely craves protein all the time, since he doesn't drink milk.
We've made sure to give him protein with every single meal ... eggs
for breakfast, meat or fish for lunch or dinner, and beans as well.

Beyond that, a normally balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and
veggies is important, especially for a child who seems to be small for his
age and family background.

I hope this help!
--Beth Kevles
  [log in to unmask]
  http://web.mit.edu/kevles/www/nomilk.html -- a page for the milk-allergic