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Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 07:27:58 -0400
Sender: "Rec.hunting discussion list" <[log in to unmask]>
From: "TheWild Administration (by way of Alex Vitek
              <[log in to unmask]>)" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: ANNOUNCING: Butcher Boy Game Meat Products homepage

This is not an advertisement per se, but more over an endorsement.  I
have recently put up a homepage on my system to feature the products of:

                Butcher Boy Food Products and Game Meat

I have bought a variety of exotic meats from them in the past, and
frankly, I am trying to convince them to be a sponsor for TheWild Web
homepage and some of its free pages to non-profit organizations.

Butcher Boy is located in South East Michigan, and regularly carries a
wide variety of meats in store, especially smoked venison and antelope.
They are also one of the state's (and possibly the nation) largest
distributors of healthy (8:1 advantage over store bought beef according
to a study quoted in Outdoor Life magazine) Buffalo meat products.

Additionally, I have seen in their regular stocks, pheasant, alligator,
boar, squab, various ducks, rabbit, turtle, turkey and a few other meats.

Upon request, they can also obtain exotic meats such as giraffe, lion,
oryx, and many more.  (visit the homepage for more details)

TheWild Webster

P.S.  Please let them know you saw their info on TheWild Web if you contact
        them.  I will be putting up a CGI form shortly to handle requests for
        flyers, to save you non-Michigander's the cost of a phone call.

Webster Internet Service  -  Ann Arbor, MI  48105
513-B Long Shore Drive       (313) 913-5511
Home of TheWild Web
Scott Webster Wood           [log in to unmask]