If I want to gain 4 pounds (like I would), all I have to do is eat one
piece of fruit today and one tomorrow, and voila! the next day I'll be 4
pounds heavier.  No thanks.

John Pavao

>     I may be wrong but if the food is the right food to eat it seems to
>that the quantity is irrelevant.

This is a debateable proposition.  Certainly primitive humans never had
access to fruits as sweet and juicy and low in fibre as the modern
orchard-grown foods we eat now.  Also, depending on region, climate, and
season, there might often be long periods when no fruit was available at

Certainly some cultures do seem healthy eating a lot of fruit, but my
suggestion to you would be that limiting your fruit intake seems like a
good idea on the general principle that if you were truly living in nature
you probably would never have access to unlimited quantities of very sweet
fruits.  High intake of fruit sugar is known to raise blood triglyceride
levels (heart disease risk) and and might contribute to cholesterol
problems if you're at all hyperinsulinemic (which an awful lot of people

Not saying don't eat the stuff, just saying that yes it does seem likely
that you can get too much fruit--although YMMV and all that, if you'r
feeling good and healthy.


Once in a while you get shown the light/
 In the strangest of places if you look at it right   ---Robert Hunter
