
We're way off topic here.  All I was saying was that I found Dianetics
interesting and that I liked it better than Freudian psych.  I don't
"believe" anything until it's proven to me.  And neither will ever be
proven to me, so I don't "believe" either.  Same reason I don't subscribe
to religion.

All I was trying to do was build a comparison between two individuals who
(I felt) had interesting ideas but ruined any chance of credibility through
greed and commercialism.  Atkins is destined to be the most popular lowcarb
diet because it's the most permissive and that's why Atkins stands to make
the most money when lowcarb takes off.

Anyway, I'm sorry I got things so far off-topic.  Now back to our
regularly-scheduled programming...

John Pavao

On Wed, 21 May 1997, John C. Pavao wrote:

> The religion thing was nothing but a tax shelter.  (Someone talked me
> visiting a "Scientology" place once.  It was a high-pressure scam,
> to separate you from the contents of your pockets, nothing more.  I was
> very disappointed after having read Dianetics and finding it really
> interesting.)  I was talking about the theories behind Dianetics.  I find
> it much easier to swallow than conventional psych.