I have two children ages 2 1/2 and 6 months both boys.  Last Sunday, we were
eating out and the 6 mth old started rubbing his eyes.  He does this when
he's tired so I didn't think anything of it.  We put him in the carseat and
he started to scream and rub his face.  Lo and behold!! he had hives on his
face and one eye was swollen.  We rushed him to the ER.  He had an allergic
reaction.  We're not sure what.  He was swiping his hands at a plant,
grabbing at my napkin, and I was holding him.  I'm not sure if I had cheese
remnants on my fingers that caused the reaction or possibly the plant had
something on it to bother him.  What do you all think?

His brother is severely allergic to milk,egg, and peanut.  I'm thinking it
may have been the cheese on my hands, but I'm not sure.  Oh, the 6 mth old is
on soy formula so he's never had milk.