Lila wrote:
>> Hi all, got a question.  My son is very small and 2.  He is majorally
allergic to milk.  Me and the dr. are trying to think of high fat foods he
can eat that have no dairy.  Do you guys have any ideas??  I heard  an
avocodo is high in fat.  Is this true? <<

I looked in William & Martha Sears' _The Baby Book_ (which incidentally
has a great list of the least and most allergenic foods). Personally I think
it's the best general childrearing book around, but that's another thread!

Anyway it says the best fat sources are: avocado; breastmilk; fish; nut
butter and vegetable oil. In more detail:

Best sources of unsaturated fats ("good fats"): avocado; peanuts; olive,
safflower, corn, fish, canola, sunflower and soy oils; almonds.

Best sources of saturated fats (very important in the diet in the first 2
of life because babies need cholesterol, but should be gradually decreased
as the child gets older): meat; poultry fat; dairy products (obviously a big
no-no for your son!); eggs; palm and palm kernel oils; coconut oil; coconut
butter (which is non-dairy); and chocolate.

Hope this helps!
Laura Marple, SAH Mommy to Pippa (27 Nov 96)
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