Hi all, got a question.  My son is very small and 2.  He is majorally
allergic to milk.  Me and the dr. are trying to think of high fat foods he
can eat that have no dairy.  Do you guys have any ideas??  I heard  an
avocodo is high in fat.  Is this true?

My son is 2 1/2 and is also allergic to milk.  I, too, was running into
difficulty trying to  keep him gaining weight. If your child really needs fat
give him lots of meat, like dark meat chicken, ground beef.  I dont' know how
healthy you want to be, but a number of snacks don't have milk ie.. Hydrox
cookies, Vienna Fingers, Kellog reduced fat pop tarts.  Gerber has some fruit
snacks that have vitamins.  I don't know if you have a Sams Club, but I found
chicken nuggets and fish sticks that have no milk or egg in them.  I hope
this helps.