<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

To all,
Thank you for all the replys about my question on GF antacids.  I have
tried all the "natural" ones, peppermint tea, enzymes, etc., but they
didn't work.  I think because the reason I need an antacid is that I am
messing up my GI tract systemically with prednisone.  Anyway, I finally
got in touch with the manufacturer of Maalox and they guarenteed that
Extra Strength Liquid in Lemon flavor is GF.  Yippee!! It took a while to
get a live person on the phone as it is long distance and they kept
putting me on hold.  I'm sure everyone knows how that is.  If you ever
need an antacid and want to verify, their # is:  (908) 602-6600.
Thanks again, everyone.

Jen  [log in to unmask]