<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

>The special note about CARAMEL says:  "it is considered natural and does
>not require certification, but must be labeled "artificially colored or
>flavored."  It  is made from malted barley and is used in most baked goods
>and deli meats"

Many ingredients that celiacs avoid fall into the category: NEBULOUS.
These are the items that can be GF or not depending upon their source.
Because the US labeling laws allow them to remain vague, they are often
avoided by celiacs. It is easier to omit them than to call the company
every few months; a personal choice.

But caramel can be made from barley or burnt sugar.  Those that are made
from burnt sugar would be appropiate for the GF diet.  The best example
of a GF caramel would be found in most soft drinks.

Michael Jones ([log in to unmask]) Orlando, FL USA
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