Tammy- wrote : << the pediatrician  suspects a soy allergy)  having gotten
even worse ..... and she is swollen.   We called our pediatrician and he
instructed us to give her Benedryl and  ONLY feed her rice and her Nutramagin
for the next two days .  The swelling   has begun to subside (2 hours later)
but the rash has not improved at all.   She has been on VITASOY for almost 6
mo now without complications (she DOES  have a dairy allergy as well).... and
now we suspect she has a soy allergy.   Can a product be OK for an extended
period of time, and then suddenly become
 an allergy ??

When my son was young, and sick just like you daughter, he was itchy, sick,
vomiting, and miserable.  The local pedatricians and family doctors didn't
know anything about food allergies.  My son drank formula with whey  (milk)
he stopped breathing on us.  The ER doctor sent us home.  Then we saw our 7th
doctor, a board certified allergist who in 1 hour figured out what all our
problems were (allergies to corn syrup in Isomil) and also gave us an epi-pen
to prevent a serious life theatening reaction (anaphylaxis).  I live in the
middle of Wisconsin and am very isolated.  However, I have found wonderful
information through the Food Allergy Network  800-929-4040.  The information
is updated and tons of ideas for cooking and dealing with family members.
 There web site http://foodallergy.org/

To find a "non-God" doctor.  Ha ha just kidding.  Pedatricians and family
doctors just don't specialize in food allergies enough to give you good
advise.  So call this number to find the closest board certified allergist
 American Academy of Allergy & Immunology 800-822-ASMA  or American College
of Allergy & Immunology 800-842-7777.  Please do this!!! You need answers to
your questions.

 My family and my husbands family thinks we have lost our minds.

I think once you get information that you can share it might help.  My kids
can die if they eat 1/2 a peanut, so most people take us seriously.
 Although, some individuals just can't seem to understand that concept.
 Otherwise, remember when you became pregnant and all the ladies had to tell
you about their labor.  They just didn't get the concept that you really
didn't want to hear their stories.

How can I make the people around my children
 understand our decisions regarding our children's dietary needs and
 restrictions, or atleast respect it ??
Either educate them and if they understand it then it is safe to leave your
kids with them.  Food Allergy Network has some good information to share.
 Otherwise, don't leave your kids with those people.  I can guantee that one
teacher at school that rewards the kids with food will not have my son in her

I have been in your shoes.  My kids have life theatening food allergies and
now it doesn't even worry me anymore.  But, it is frustrating when you don't
get your answers.   Seek a non-god allergist and ask questions.  Please let
us know what happens!!!