>My pediatrician said he suspects a SOY allergy.  So - we are back to
> Nutramagin.  I meant to ask him a few questions ... but forgot.  Can someone
>develop an allergy over time ....do well with something and eventually develop
>an allergy to it??

  My son is 15 months old. He's allergic to milk products so I switched him to
 soy without much of a problem. Being the picky eater that he is, I tried
 to add some protein to his diet (doesn't like eggs or meat)by putting some
 tofu in his oatmeal cereal. He had diarrhea all morning, so I took him off all
 soy. His stools are normal now, and now that I think about it, his stools were
 always kind of loose when he was drinking soy milk.  He now drinks Dari-free,
 which is soy and milk free, but also protein free, so I still need to
 add protein to his diet. Any ideas? He likes chicken nuggets, fish sticks,
 green beans, peas, and crackers, plus beech-nut cereal. Not alot to work with.

-Linda Murray