All I am avoiding is milk and it is difficult, but worth it to feel good.

True, most people are not that supportative. I just stand up for what my
needs are. When I travelled to my in-laws, I sent a letter ahead listing all
the ingredients I could not have. I suggested the easiest thing to accomodate
me is plain, simple foods. Then I planned on going to the grocery the first
day there. Since my mother in law is in her late 80's, it was even more
difficult for her. I asked questions of what meals were planned. When we had
dinners out planned, I called the restaurant ahead arranged things, and got a
name of who to ask for when I arrived. This caused less commotion about it at
mealtime at the home or out.

May I also politely suggest you try not to imnterpret what you think other
people are thinking. Very often they are not thinking what we are thinking.
And even if they are thinking you are a "freak", you can decide that you know
what is best for your own body and that it does not matter if they
understand. After all, who made them the judge?

Maybe your boyfriend is supportative and your guilt is interpreting what he
says. If he wishes it would go away, it might be because he cares about you
and does not want to see you suffer.

I'm saying, I've chosen to change my outlook. I'm so grateful my reaction is
not as serious as some. I met a girl serving at a restaurant who could not
process salt so it accumulated in her body. Eventually, salt could kill her.
So, I praise God I'm not as bad.

Hope this did not feel like a lecture. I get frustrated, too. But all in all,
it's great to be alive.

Peace, Deborah