In a message dated 97-04-17 16:51:50 EDT, you write:

<<  In regards to ADHD - you wrote - The problem with arriving at one of
these diagnoses is that the treatment protocol is always drugs. Dietary
manipulation and the elimination of specific allergens and toxins is the way
to go, and almost
 always successful. But there's not much money in that approach, so don't
 count on a doctor to choose that path. >>

I feel like I need to expand on your email.  My children have life theatening
food allergies to dairy, eggs, peanuts and we suspect nuts.  In our case a
physician did allergy test to show which allergens were causing our children
to have hives, projectile vomiting, rashes, and even anaphylatic (near fatal
reactions).  My son's itching from dairy was so bad that he was questioned as
to have ADHD.   To me the physician did not recomend dietary manipulation.
 Although you may see patients in your practice with adverse reactions to
foods, I on the other side live with severe life theatening food allergies
that need medical attention.  After years of listening to individuals adverse
reactions to foods, I don't ever pass judgement on what chiropractors, or
homeopathic doctors do.  I think it is very important we all keep an open
mind.  What works for some isn't going to work for others.  I think the key
is to find answers to our questions and to seek good health advise.  Everyone
with me?