In a message dated 97-04-16 08:12:14 EDT, you write:

<< There is definatelly something to be said for diet control. >>


I am going to say I definaly agree. My son Taylor is 3. Siince April 15, 1996
(a year and a day ago) has has been on a dairy free and gluten free diet.
 Yes, I will totally 100% agree that he is very very changed.  Not that he
quieted down a whole heck of alot, but what do i want from a 2-3 year old.
 But things did change.  He did and does SCREAM alot when he has any bit of
gluten or dairy in him.  Screaming instead of talking normally. YOu can see
his behaviour change dramtically.

I wish more people knew about the effects of diet, as opposed to drugs for
our kids.

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