In a message dated 97-04-16 08:12:14 EDT, you write:

<< I have never posted on this list, so am not sure if this will reach you.
 have been receiving posts for about a month, but until now have seen little
 about the behavioral changes in children as a result of food and other
 products they come into contact with.

 At age 2 1/2 our son Christopher was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.  It was
 suggested that we begin Ritalin.  After 9 years in health care, I felt that
 this was not the approach I wanted to persue with my TODDLER.  Eventually,
 after extensive research we found a pediatrician who specializes in
 Behavioral Issues.  There was very little literature (and other material)
 available on diet issues with regard to our son's disorder.  Dr. Brenner
 pointed us in the right direction.  We have been working with Christopher's
 diet for almost 8 months now .... with TREMENDOUS improvement.  His diet is
 preservative free, artificial coloring free, filler free, additive free,
 dairy free.  We also discovered that apples and carrots are also irritants.
  He also eats LITTLE to no meat products, and can have only ORGANIC produce

 As far as his behavior, our family used to refer to him as BABY TAZ ....
 the cartoon character.  He was absolutely WILD !!  He moved constsntly, was
 very destructive, aggressive, and behaviorally inappropriate.  Now, with the
 SLIGHTEST amount of milk and/or milk derivitives, he is WILD again.  His
 behavior (now at age 3) has improved dramatically in the last 8 months ....
 therefore our lifestyle has improved as well.  We still have a long way to
 go, but so far the improvements justify all that we have sacrificed thus

 By the way, we began our QUEST just after moving out of state .... so when
 went back to visit family at Christmas time, the family members were AMAZED
 at the changes in our son.

 There is definatelly something to be said for diet control.

You have just described my own son to a tee. Justin is autistic, and CANNOT
 tolerate any dairy products whatsoever. I agree, allergies or intolerances,
in reference to behavioral changes, should be addressed here. It is a very
obvious change in my own home.
BTW- the changes in him over the past 16 months would astound anyone that
knew him back then, it's incredible!
