>(snip)Is anyone taking Synthroid and Cytomel tegether?  Could you let me
know what your experience is...

Hi Lynne,
I've been on Synthroid for 7 years...about two years ago I found my way to an
endocrinologist.  Even though my TSH was normal, I still had all the symptoms
of hypothyroidism...dry skin, sleep disturbance, edema, etc.  She did some
additional bloodwork and found that I was not converting T4 to T3 well and
started me on Cytomel in addition to my Synthroid.  I immediately began to
feel better, but not fully back to "normal".  She just increased my dose
again and I'm hopeful that the remainder of the symptoms will disappear.  I
don't have any side effects from the combination of meds (at least none that
I'm aware of...).   After reading some of the posts since I found this board,
I am very curious as to whether I would do better on the Armour thyroid than
the combo cocktail I currently take.  Any feedback from the board would be
greatly appreciated.

Hope this helps Lynne.