<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My husband was diagnosed with CD in 1985 and has kept totally
gluten-free since then, except for hidden gluten contamination that
occurs occasionally. He has so strictly adhered to the diet that when he
ingests even a tiny bit of "hidden gluten" now, within one to two hours
he endures an hour of diarrhea and vomitting, after which he goes into
shock with severe shivers, icy cold skin but no loss of consciousness
so far. There is little time between his beginning to feel sick and his
gut reaction. Once it begins, he can't seem to keep anything in his
system until he has completely expelled the gluten for the next hour or

A recent example was just last week when he ate two pieces of
gluten-free candy that were next to some oxic cookies. Apparently, a
cookie crumb or two landed on the candy because he soon got very sick
and then went into his usual shock.

Has anyone experienced similar extreme gluten reactions and more
important, what do you do, if anything, besides turning up the heat,
covering the celiac including his head with blankets, and then providing
liquids to replenish the lost fluids?

Calling a gastro doctor late on a Sunday night is futile and emergency
room doctors rarely know a thing about CD. I have not called an
ambulance for the same reasons but I worry about what would happen to my
husband if he were to get gluten poisoning sometime when I wasn't
around. There is no way he could drive himself to a hospital and I doubt
he could make enough sense on a phone call to get emergency response. I
do have two calls in to our GI doctor for help with this but still have
not heard from him.

Please respond directly to me at <[log in to unmask]> as indicated
above and I will summarize back to the List.