<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

First - I have had so many responses to the back pain and requests for a
posting.  I am still receiving responses, so I will wait until the end of
this weekend on 3/9/97 and post them on the list.

Second - I have received quite a few responses to Pamela's products.  I even
tried them and had a gluten reaction.  There were no other ingredients in
their products that I am allergic to.  So we are writing Pamela's , using the
bodies of the letters of the e-mail we received minus their e-mail addresses
and names (since we don't have everyone's permission) and informing Pamela's
that they may very well have gluten in their products and if so - they can
either make them gluten free or stop stating that they are gluten free.

Carolyn in Phoenix,AZ