At 00:56 17/03/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Have any of you noticed someone who gets excess mucus from drinking milk
>having the same problem with soy?  I know a parent who tried soy as a
>substitute, but still had  the mucus problems, but I don't think they've
>tried rice milk.  Comments?

Hi Susan,
While doing the wheat/dairy free diet, one of the challenges I tried was
with soy milk. Ifound that by the 2nd day I had dreadful sinus and enough
congestion on my lungs to feel like bad bronchitis. It all eased when I
stopped the soy milk. I have found a rice milk called Aussie Dream which is
quite nice, but the imported rice dream ( I live in Australia) is much nicer
and has been supplemented with calcium and vitamins A and D. I have no
mucous problems using rice milk.